Montse Martín

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All the Women...

Original Artwork
Relevant women in the arts world and specially from cinema, painted with the technique of acrylic paint on canvas and wood. This series composed of more than 50 works, has influences from Pop Art, comics and advertising, and they filled my home y and various galleries from 2004 to 2008, when the birth of my son definitely marked my transition to illustration and onto a whole new feminine universe. Over the years these images have been adapted to products such as jewellery stationary and t-shirts, for various brands.

Acrylic paint on canvas and wood

My initiation to painting through them. Fetishist portraits before motherhood.

Estos 17 cuadros originales forman parte de la colección “Todas las mujeres…”. La mayoría de estas mujeres presentan, al igual que yo, pequeñas cicatrices, causadas por el paso del tiempo y varias mudanzas, que he intentado captar en las fotografías.

Watercolours on paper

Illustration on paper gave me the opportunity to enter the publishing world, illustrating, for example, the texts of people as important as my mother. Together we created, "Valientes" (Brave), a series of illustrated stories that continues today. Here you can see the originals of 7 of them. As well as 8 more women.

There may be little paint or ink stains, as most of them were not created with the intention to be exhibited, nor sold or auctioned...that said, here they are, as I believe they don’t deserve to be hidden away in a drawer, but to be displayed and enjoyed in their new forever home

Series of illustrated stories about women "Valientes" (Brave)

“Brave is any woman that has faced her fears.”
Series of illustrated portraits “Valientes” (Brave). Texts by Gloria Martín and illustrations by Montse Martín. Published in 2019 by the newspaper from Lleida “La Mañana”

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